GCA launch 2016
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€1 million grant to pioneering ideas closing the loop for fashion

On August 25, the H&M Foundation launched the first ever Global Change Award − one of the world’s biggest challenges for early stage innovation and the first such initiative in the fashion industry. By catalysing green, truly ground-breaking ideas the aim of the challenge is to protect the earth’s natural resources by closing the loop for fashion.
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Currency fueled by children’s imagination creates worldwide engagement

Since the new virtual currency, Unicoin, was launched by UNICEF and H&M Foundation, children from every corner of the globe* have exchanged their drawings for Unicoins to support children’s right to learn and develop from an early age. H&M Foundation matches exchanged drawings with educational material, which UNICEF then hands out to the most vulnerable children around the world. The last day to exchange a drawing on unicoins.org is on Thursday July 9, 2015.
Class room which is part of our program with UNICEF
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Unicoin – the first currency dedicated to do good

The H&M Foundation in support of UNICEF presented a new currency to the world – the Unicoin. The initiative aimed to enable children to support the right for other children around the world to access learning opportunities from an early age. The only way to get hold of a Unicoin was to exchange a drawing at a campaign site. And the only way to spend it is on educational supplies.
Landscape image
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Making a second donation to the Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund

The H&M Foundation, an independent non-profit global foundation, today makes a donation to the victims and the families affected by the Rana Plaza collapse two years ago. This is the second donation from the H&M Foundation. H&M has never had any production at any of the factories situated in Rana Plaza, so the H&M Foundation bases the decision for donation on humanitarian grounds. The donation of $100,000 will go exclusively to further support the victims and their families through the fund managed by the UN body the International Labor Organization.
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H&M customers help to empower women in Ethiopia

With the help from H&M customers around the globe, a donation of SEK 20 million will reach 5,000 poor women in Ethiopia. During the holidays H&M customers engaged in the cause of empowering Ethiopian women by buying sets of holiday gift labels. For each set of gift labels bought by an H&M customer the H&M Foundation made a donation to the global humanitarian organization CARE.