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How much do you know about our planet?

Are you a planet hero? What would happen if all CO2 emissions completely stopped, or what share of all agricultural land worldwide is used for feeding animals? Test your knowledge in this short quiz, you will most likely be surprised and learn something new!

All questions come from Gapminder, an independent educational non-profit fighting global misconceptions. How do you score?

Climate action

If all emissions of CO2 completely stopped right now, how much of the current CO2 in the atmosphere would still be there 100 years from now?

You are right

But 81% of people answer wrongly. They don’t realize that 100 years from now almost all the extra carbon will still be in the atmosphere.

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You were wrong – just like 81% of people.

CO2 disappears slowly

A hundred years from now, almost all the extra carbon will still be in the atmosphere.

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Clean water & sanitation

How many people in the world have access to safe drinking water in their home or close by?

You are right

But 82% of people answer wrongly. Most people don’t realize how many actually have safe water. As they think few have safe drinking water at home, it must be difficult for them to imagine a future when everyone has it.

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The world is not as bad as you think

Most people don’t realize how many actually have safe water. A majority already have safe drinking water at home today, but you believe it’s few. It must be difficult for you to imagine a future where everyone has it.

You were wrong just like 82% of people

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Life on land

Of all the area that was tropical rainforest 100 years ago worldwide, how much is still tropical rainforest today?

You are right

But 73% of people answer wrongly. They realize that lots of rainforest has been lost, but they underestimate how much remains.

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The rainforests haven’t all been destroyed… yet

You are right that a lot of the original tropical rainforest has been lost. But you underestimated how much still remains.

You were wrong just like 73% of people.

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Sustainable cities & communities

In 2020, there were around 68 cities in Africa with more than 1 million inhabitants. How many cities of this size will there be in Africa in 2030, according to UN experts?

You are right

But 72% of people answer wrongly. Most people have missed that there will be more big cities in the future as the African population increases.

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Cities are growing in Africa too

You thought there would be slightly more big cities in Africa by 2030, but as the African population increases very fast, the number of big cities will too.

You were wrong just like 72% of people.

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Partnership for the goals

Of all financial aid received by the least developed countries, how much comes from charity and philanthropy?

You are right

But 78% of people answer wrongly. They overestimate the aid from private charities to the poorest countries.

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Almost all aid comes from tax.

We hear a lot about charities and it’s easy to get the impression that their contribution to the poorest countries is much more than 5%.

You were wrong just like 78% of people.

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Climate action

How much of the excess heat from global warming is captured in the oceans?

You are right

But 90% of people answer wrongly. Most people are unaware that most global warming is hiding in the seas. As long as they think global warming is all about air temperature, they won’t realize the size of the problem.

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Don’t look for global warming outside your window.

Most people are unaware that most global warming is hiding in the seas. If you think your local weather shows you global warming, you don’t realize the size of the problem. Most of it is hiding in the oceans.

You were wrong just like 90% of people.

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Affordable & clean energy

Of all renewable energy used in the world today, what share comes from traditional burning of biomass like charcoal, wood and agricultural waste?

You are right

But 80% of people answer wrongly. They seem to think that renewable means only the wind and sun, while in fact a lot of renewable energy comes from burning fuels found around the home.

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Renewable often means fire

When we hear renewable, we often think of wind and solar energy. We easily forget the most commonly used renewable: Burning wood and waste.

You were wrong just like 80% of people

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Life on land

What share of all agricultural land worldwide is used for feeding animals?

You are right

But 78% of people answer wrongly. They don’t realize that most farmland is used for animals.

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Lots of meat land

You believed a small portion of all land that farmers use is for animals, but it’s actually almost all of it.

You were wrong just like 78% of people.

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Climate action

What happens to the CO2 level in the atmosphere if we halve the annual emissions today?

You are right

But 68% of people answer wrongly. They have no idea how slowly the natural process is at removing carbon from the atmosphere.

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A little more, means increase

As long as we emit any CO2 it keeps accumulating, because the natural process for removing it is super slow, and we don’t have an effective way to capture it.

You were wrong just like 68% of people.

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